World Vision

In March 2009, Kirk returned to Kirindon Kenya, and witnessed a miraculous transformation of an area from the united efforts of World Vision, donors, and the community itself. The community still has many needs, from clean water, medical facilities, education and constant food supply during droughts, but there is a general feeling of hope that was not there three years ago, because of the progress being made in all these areas. World Vision has done a truly incredible job, and I look forward to going back and seeing the friends I have made. Henson & Son will continue to support the people of Kirindon.
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In March 2006, Kirk Henson traveled to Kenya Africa on a vision trip with World Vision, to a remote area 300 miles from the nearest city, in the Kirindon valley outside the Masi Mara Desert and saw first hand how complete communities are being affected by HIV/AIDS, unsafe or lack of water, malaria and other very preventable diseases and conditions that are impacting a complete social structure, creating a generation of orphans and vulnerable children. As a result Kirk and Kim Henson have committed to make a difference. As there commitment, a portion of the profits from Henson & Son will go to help World Vision bring needed resources to this area. If you would like more information about World Vision click on the World Vision Logo above or contact Kirk Henson.